Daily Archives: May 1, 2009

Noticing Nature

One of our continuous activities is observing and studying nature, masha Allah.    Yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised to find a lone lady’s slipper which is a type of orchid in the woods.  I haven’t seen one of these flowers since I was a child and it was my children’s first encounter with one. 

Lady Slipper

Lady's Slipper

My son picked the first rose from our rose bush todayand offered it to me as a gift, masha Allah.  I try to explain to them to leave the flowers on the stem for everyone to enjoy, but they don’t seem to comprehend that concept.  Nevertheless, it was a beauty and had a nice fragrance as well.



We are always finding oak galls in our yard that have fallen from the oak trees, masha Allah. An oak gall forms when a tiny wasp lays it egg on an leaf from an oak tree and the leaf engulfs the egg. 

Oak Gall

Oak Gall

Finally, we captured an image of a mysterious puff ball on a stem of an oak tree seedling (possibly a fungus?).  I am posting it in hopes that someone may be able to identify it, insha Allah.

Puffball on oak tree seedling

Puffball on oak tree seedling