Daily Archives: May 23, 2009

Homeschooling Conference Reflections

After reflecting on my experience and examining the photographs that I took today at the VA Homeschoolers conference, I realized that what I enjoyed the most weren’t the speakers or attending the information sessions, but spending some quality, special time with my two eldest daughters. In previous years, I attended the conference alone or with a nursing baby, but this was the first year I brought any of the older children.   There were vendors and other exhibits which had hands-on activities for tag along homeschooling children.  Impressively, they didn’t even pester me to buy them something as there were so many freebies, live animals, puzzles, and artifacts to explore!  At the same time they were involved with these activities, I was able to research the programs that these organizations had to offer homeschoolers. 

Lavender sachet

Lavender sachet

They made lavender sachets at the booth for Magnolia Grange which is part of the  Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia .

Venomous snake skeleton

Venomous snake skeleton

The highlight of the conference for the children was the Mill Mountain Zoo animal class.  It was our first experience touching an alligator, masha Allah. 






 Another  favorite exhibit was Shirley Plantation.   The Shirley Plantation was Virgnia’s first plantation and they offer hands-on activities as well as a homeschooler’s week.

Learning Toys

Learning Toys

Native American Artifacts

Native American Artifacts

City of Henricus More Living History in Richmond

Finally, the girls decorated notebook covers with a collage, masha Allah.

notebook collage