It’s the Process, Not the Product

Painted Dough Shapes

Painted Dough Shapes

Finishing up a full week of lessons this morning was fun for the children with a craft project.   I adapted the idea from the book called Playful Learning: An Alternative Approach to Preschool by Anne Engelhardt and Cheryl Sullivan.

There was a recipe in the book for dough which called for flour, water, and salt, but I substituted bisquick for the flour.   It sure was messy, but at least it was nontoxic for the little ones who were eating it, subhannallah, which by the way doesn’t taste very good.

The girls and I sure did get a hand workout  from

Making dough shapes

Making dough shapes

kneading the dough to smooth it out and flattening it to press the playdough shape cutters into it. This was a wonderful  activity for developing the fine motor skills that are so important for writing, masha Allah.

The dough did have to be baked for 60 min. at 350 degrees in order for it to harden enough to paint. 

Painting the shapes

Painting the shapes

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