Daily Archives: October 4, 2011

River City Preschoolers @ Storytime

Recently, I began attending weekly preschool school storytime at the library with Hawwa (5) and Siddiqah (3).  We all have been thoroughly enjoying it and look forward to this special time each week.  Even though our homeschooling schedule is tight, I am planning on making sure I schedule in time for my younger homeschoolers to attend these sessions, insha Allah.  I am even hoping to fit in a storytime or two for Isa (8 months) during the next session.  My older children were able to attend these type of activities when they were little so why not my little ones now?

~Rhymes and fingerplays, phonemic awareness, stories, movement, New and Old Friends, flannel board stories, F is for flea coloring page, and stickers!~

The librarian who leads storytime is so sweet and very good with the young children.  I chose this particular library’s storytime to attend as there aren’t many children which means more personal attention, they keep it simple, and don’t include music as many of the other libraries do. 

Do any of you take your little ones to storytime?