More Magnificient Mushrooms

We have been inspired to continue our mushroom study with more mushrooms hunts and attempting mushroom spore prints.  Please understand that we did not eat any of the mushrooms we picked as we are far from experts and obviously not knowledgable enough to discern the edible ones from the poisonous ones. 

There is park very close to our house where my husband routinely plays frisbee golf.  We have been accompanying him there in order to hunt mushrooms as well as photograph them.  They are some of the most beautiful creatures being neither a plant nor an animal but with characteristics closer to those of an animal’s, subhannallah.  I truly have been drawn into their world.


8 responses to “More Magnificient Mushrooms

  1. i’m always too scared to get into mushrooms .S

    but agree they are amazing subhanAllah!

  2. Assalamualaykum,
    Which characteristics make them closer to animals?

    • Wa alaikum as salaam Umm Rashid,

      “Mushrooms aren’t technically plants. They don’t intake carbon dioxide and give off oxygen as plants do. They intake oxygen and release carbon dioxide, like we do. They have no chlorophyll, so they don’t photosynthesize for energy. Yet like us, they need photosynthesizing plants for food, and for the O2 they give off. All of this and more makes a mushroom closer to an animal than a plant in taxonomy, but a mushroom isn’t an animal either.”

  3. Assalamualaikum Umm Tafari.
    Subhanallah, mushrooms are truly interesting. We have them all the time in our home, especially oyster mushrooms. But to see so many variery, Subhanallah.
    I love your spore print ideas . . . neat.

    • Wa alaikum as salaam Umm Sayang,

      Oh, do you eat the oyster mushrooms? I’ve never tried them. The mushroom man hunts and sells them and insha Allah, we want to try them soon. He sells them at the local farmers’ markets.

  4. Asalamualaikum,
    Frisbee golf??? sounds fun!
    the prints look great.

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