Daily Archives: October 22, 2011

They Chose Al Ankabut!

At a Side-by-Side Saturday art session, Jennah (7) and Hawwa (5) had to choose between making a woven hula hoop rug, a cut out book, or an intricate beaded spider necklace.  I kept suggesting they pick the weaving activity, but they insisted on the intricate beaded spider necklace.  I’m not so good at working with small beads or with anything that requires that type of skill or patience, but they kept telling me that they were able to do it and the artist teaching the class also reassured me that many 5 year olds were able to create such a beaded creature.  So, I took her word for it and we began.  I quickly realized that there was no way I was going to be able to  make one of my own because I needed to focus on figuring out how to help Hawwa.  Jennah had no problem with it and actually caught on more easily than I did. Like I mentioned before, beading is not my strong point, but we persevered through it and finished two hours later, alhamdulillah.