Fine Day for a Nature Hike

It certainly was a wonderful day (80+ degrees F) for a free nature class and walk at Three Lakes Nature Center.  They offered a short course for Girl Scouts covering nature journals, dangers in nature (plants, insects, snakes), and what the girls can do to help animals.  The muslim Girl Scouts had the entire class to themselves, maashaa Allah.  After the class we took a brief hike and watched for signs of wildlife waking up from their winter’s sleep.   

Hannah volunteered to wear Isa during the hike, maashaa Allah.  He is quite heavy now and is walking but is not secure enough on his feet to have walked the whole way. 

8 responses to “Fine Day for a Nature Hike

  1. Love the picture mashaAllah, my lot can’t wait to get back to their hiking. Who doesn’t love Spring? It’s full of Allah ta’ala’s wonders everywhere you look. Makes me feel alive again alhamdulillah.
    Wassalaam xXx

  2. that’s a gorgeous snap shot masha’Allah ❤
    my children have loved to carry their siblings too. i let them do it a lot at home but not so much outside as i have worried about people assumin gi'm making them do it lol xxx

    • Jazakillah khayran, Pixie. Yes, I know what you mean. She insisted in front of everyone even after I told her I would carry him as he was asleep. Honestly, I haven’t taken them all out together for an outside adventure in awhile, so this is kind of new to us right now.

  3. Assalamualaykum,
    I love that way of carrying the baby maashAllah. Can you put that on yourself or does someone else have to put it onto you? Also what is the proper name for that sort of baby carrier which can be worn on the back?

    • Wa alaikum as salaam ummrashid,

      I used to be able to put the babies on my back myself, but now I am lazy and Hannah usually helps me with it.

      When I had Jennah (baby number 4) I did a lot of research into babywearing and joined this babywearing forum I used to follow the traditional babywearing section and experimented with alternative baby carriers. The one Hannah is wearing is an Eden baby carrier. You can wear in on the front too.

      I also used the Maya pouch a lot when they are infants. The two others in my collection include a Guatamalan wrap and a rebozo my parents brought me from Mexico. Here is a link to pictures of all different types.


    this is an excellent website for uk babywearers.

  5. JazakAllahkhair for your responses.

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