Knitting Business

Per the advice of my brother and other sisters here, Yahya has organized a small knitting business.  Right now, he is just taking orders for knitted booties as they seem to be the most popular.  He has over 10 orders for them and most of these were custom orders. 

So far, he has learned a great deal about running a business.  We have all learned it is difficult to juggle managing a business making handmade goods which are very time intense, completing the homework, playing sports, and keeping up with his chores.   I feel that he really needs to learn to stand up for himself and his right to earn money through his skill.   We have had a few issues with some of his teachers requesting that he knit a cowl and a scarf for  a couple boxes CANDY!   This really saddens me as they obviously are underestimating the time involved in this craft.  He doesn’t feel like he is able to let them know that he would rather have and deserves his payment in cash not candy.  So, anyway, like I said, he has a lot to learn.    This is a job is great as a learning experience, but sadly we all know that you can’t complete with the machine!

I also recently put a lot of time into knitting a poncho for Jamilah.  I really enjoyed knitting her poncho and as others see if they are interested in one as well.  Again,  it isn’t worth it as when you calculate it, I would only earn pennies per hour.  I rather continue to knit for friends and family.


7 responses to “Knitting Business

  1. Assalamualaikum Umm Tafari.
    First of all, congratulations, mabruk to Yahya on his first business venture. May Allah put barakah in his efforts.
    Masha-Allah it is wonderful that you are giving Yahya the opportunity and support to do this. It will Insha-Allah instill entrepreneurship and life skills in him.
    He might want to even open up an Etsy shop. It will definitely attract customers who value and appreciate his work.

    • Wa alaikum as salaam Umm Sayang, � Jazakillah khayran for your words of support and encouragement.� I think at this point he is earning more money this way than he would on Etsy. There are so many of the same thing on Etsy.� I’m not sure anyone makes anything on there. Plus, I’m not really interested in preparing things or taking them to be shipped.

      We have been considering farmer’s markets and such, but he needs time to built up stock for that and wouldn’t be able to keep up with the custom orders which are a definite sale at the same time. So, we are just taking it slow.

  2. Assalamualaykum,
    Maybe he should make a little samples catalogue, with PRICES, just so the message gets across inshAllah!
    Its a great real life project, maashAllah.

    • Wa alaikum as salaam ummrashid,

      The catalog is a good idea, mash Allah.

      The thing is they know he is trying to run a business, so I’m not sure what the issue is. His Japanese teacher even brought him the yarn to make her a multicolored extra wide scarf for a couple of candy bars. I keep asking him if he discussed how much he will charge her yet, but he keeps “forgetting” to mention it. This is why I’m not a business woman, lol. I hate dealing with asking people for money too.

  3. Assalaamu alaikum
    Mabrook to Yahya and to you for supporting his enterprise mashaAllah. Some people are so difficult to deal with but he needs to be straight with her inshaAllah…it’s a hard and steep learning curve I know, miskeen (his shyness is so sweet mashaAllah). People always under estimate the value of handmade goods and the cost of the materials to make them but inshaAllah, he will crack it. Perhaps, you should try and pay his school fees in candy bars lol! I pray that Allah ta’ala makes it easy for him and grants him success and barakah in his business adventures. Ameen.

  4. Assalaamu alaikum!
    Mashaa Allaah very nice. May Allaah bless him with it. Aameen!

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