Daily Archives: March 21, 2012

Collard Green Smoothie Anyone?

As a result of the influence of my dear brother as well as a revisiting some lifestyle aspects of when I was younger, I have made some changes in our diet.  I mentioned in a previous post that we were adding volumes of fruits and vegetables to our meals as well as skipping over processed foods.  I’ll be the first to admit that this is very time-consuming with a large family, but regardless this is now even more of a priority for me as I witness suffering health in my extended family.

One meal that has emerged from our kitchen that the children absolutely love is the collard green smoothie.  To the blender I just added whatever fruits I had around the kitchen (bananas, apples, mixed frozen fruits, etc.), whatever veggies I had around such as carrots, and lots of greens (collards, salad mix etc.)  Finally, I added about a 1 1/2 cups of soy milk and blend.   I found that I don’t even need to add any additional sweetener as the fruits makes it plenty sweet.

The children just love this smoothie and Hawwa(5) even claimed that this was “the best smoothie ever!”   Let me know if you try this out with your children and the ingredients you used so I can also get more ideas for combinations.