Daily Archives: April 10, 2012

Finding Peace in the Garden

Today I felt a strong urge to visit the botanical gardens and more specifically to explore the Japanese gardens.  For some reason I felt a strong desire to get there upon its opening.  I was looking for peace and believe that I found it a least for a few moments early this morning, alhamdulillah.  I payed a little more attention to the simplicity and quiet as well as the landscape curves, plant colors, and motion of the water.  It felt extremely tranquil.  Isn’t it completely amazing how being in the garden can bring this feeling?

We also discovered a part of the garden we had never visited today which included a bamboo forest and waterfalls.  Hawwa discovered a Northern Musk snake skin near a rock in a waterfall.  Insha allah, we are drying it out and plan to laminate it.  They also dug in the sand and found mussels which they opened and examined.  I think touching and listening to the water also added to the calming effect.  Honestly, I also noticed a positive effect in my children’s behavior after our stroll through the Asian valley. 

This visit along with the Celebration of Japanese Art event has motivated us to learn more about Japan and its culture, insha Allah. I hope we can fit it in.