Daily Archives: April 16, 2012

Trace of a Fictional Third

While wandering through the art galleries searching for the answers to an old scavenger hunt, Hannah discovered a large unusual sculpture out of the corner of her eye.  Our trip was coming to an end as the baby barometer signaled the end was near we hurriedly examined the sculpture and noticed that the name of the artist sounded Arabic.   We had to leave and really didn’t get a chance to read about her except a little online as we were on our way out. We learned that the artist, Diana Al Hadid, was born in Syria and is now living in New York.  She received a MFA from VCU in Richmond! 

This complex sculpture along with her other works encompass landscape and architecture along with influences of Islamic ornamentation, Western painting, Arab oral traditions, and cosmology just to name a few.   The materials she used to create the sculpture included  steel, polystyrene, cardboard, plywood, plaster, and resin.

What are your impressions?  I definitely see a geology connection.  I think of caves with stalactites and stalagmites when I look at it.

Field Hockey Sampler

Our local university, Virginia Commonwealth University, offered a free field hockey clinic for the children.   Even though I played a bit in high school and some in college for the club team, my girls had never seen it before.  To be honest it isn’t as popular here as it is in the UK and abroad.  Pretty much only the private high schools offer the sport for girls only.  Nevertheless, they really enjoyed the clinic and are interested in possibly pursuing it further.