Making Connections

Last week at the gardens we were blessed to witness some adorable Canada geese goslings and their parents.  Hawwa and Jennah were so excited to see these birds in their nest up close.  I really had to hold them back from getting too close as I didn’t want them to disturb the family or get bitten.

Well, today we reminisced about the experience while reading the book, Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey.  I wanted to make it clear to them that the birds we saw were geese and that the mallards in the story were ducks.  The older girls got involved by researching online as well as using an encyclopedia of the birds of North America to find the proper names for male and female mallards.   We also discussed these birds habitat, diet, and predators. 

This type of learning is typical of how we acquire and process information over here.  I am making a conscious effort to record these moments because if I don’t, I most likely won’t remember them and our experiences will be lost in the everyday hustle and bustle.

“It is by studying little things that we attain the great art of having as little misery and as much happiness as possible.”~ From James Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson

8 responses to “Making Connections

  1. Assalam u alaikum. Mashallah I love your style of learning. I was wondering though how did you find out about all these wonderful resources available. I am assuming that they are all free. I would love tips on how to find resources in my own area for nature exploration

    • Wa alaikum as salaam UmmAbdullah,

      Acutally, I mentioned some tips on finding resources in a post from last year.
      “In addition to those resources, I think it is also helpful to know where to find natural places to visit as well as experts in the field in which to network. Many times doing an online search for your local and state parks and recreation department will put you open up a world of opportunity for you. Quite often, there are naturalist classes for homeschoolers available. These type of classes have been very informative for my children as well as myself along the way in our nature study. I have witnessed the positive influence these type of outdoor classes and workshops have had on my children even to this day. In addition to those places, I suggest looking into botanical gardens as another place to visit on a regular basis. Get to know the staff for they are more than willing to give an impromptu lesson or two. For the past several years, my children and I have been members at our local botanical gardens and we all have benefited beyond belief from it. Our knowledge of botany has greatly increased from regular trips to the garden which was another of my weak areas in science.”

  2. Assalamualaykum,
    It is so easy to overlook these things. I’m sure I overlook stuff all the time.

  3. Assalamualaykum,
    Me too! I make short notes in my daily planner.

  4. Assalamualaikum Umm Tafari.
    Alhamdulillah, we have been looking out for birds here too. Thanks to your nature guide. And I have the same problem of just letting thing slip by if not recorded in some way. Just wish I could make more time 🙂

    • Wa alaikum as salaam Umm Sayang,

      It seems like it is almost daily that the children bring some creature to me that I’ve never seen before and they want to know what it is, maashaa Allah. All we can do is our best when trying to keep on top of the documenting the journey as we live it.

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