Juniors’ Camp Out

Despite a rainstorm and a bit cooler weather, Hannah and Jamilah were thrilled to experience their first camping trip with their father this weekend.  As a family, we have traveled to Belle Isle State Park several times over the years, yet this was the girls’ first campout.  Since the park was offering a Junior Girl Scout programs (Gardening and Flowers), my husband offered to make it a father-daughter date complete with camping. 

In addition to earning their Girl Scout badges, they were blessed to catch a glimpse of many wildlife species including wild turkeys, wild rabbits, tree frogs, snakes, ospreys, bald eagles, and groundhogs.


This park is considered one of Virginia’s best kept secrets and is relatively quiet and serene.  While the girls attended the program, my husband had some surreal time to himself in the canoe.  It was medicine for the soul, maashaa Allah.  We are both hoping and praying that we can go and experience this as couple in the near future.

3 responses to “Juniors’ Camp Out

  1. Assalaamu alaikum sis, lol I see what you mean now! MashaAllah I bet the girls were thrilled to spend time with their dad, I know my boys would have loved it but parents [unless they go as leaders] can’t go on the camping trips with the kids 😦

    • Wa alaikum as salaam ummadam,

      Yahya’s turn is next weekend, insha allah. He isn’t in scouts though. It is with the school actually.

      Why can’t parents attend? The camping part of the trip wasn’t scout related. They do offer camps where they tent camp, but we haven’t gotten involved with that yet. I’m hoping to get the training I need to be apart of leading the outdoor activities.

  2. my dh took our big 3 on scout camp this last weekend alhamdulillah. i’m also hoping to get involved eventually insha’Allah. i have lots to learn!

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