Daily Archives: May 9, 2012

Here Come the Girl Scouts

First, let me start by saying what a positive experience we have had this year with Girl Scouts.  I am so grateful to have been part of such a great group of Muslim women and girls this year.  Being involved in this organization has really encouraged me to keep my head up no matter how difficult the trials were this year.  I also think my girls benefitted from the socialization, unity, inspiration, and so much more.

So, when I found an easy biography about the founder, Juliette Gordon Low,  called Here Come the Girls Scouts!, my children wanted to read it over and over.  I also thought it was very inspiring as it focused on how a group of women as well as the power of one person can make the world a better place.   “To get on in the world, to give anything and get anything out of it, each girl has got to do her part.”

This book has come into our house in perfect timing.  An important part of Girl Scout is camping out.  To be honest, even though I love spending time outside, I have never been very interested in camping out.  Seeing my girls out there and giving it a try is really changing how I feel about it though.  Finally, this quote from the book has made me realize that camping out is something I must try in order to fully benefit from the healing of nature.  ” To get the full benefit of actual contact with Nature it is absolutely necessary to camp out where every breath of heaven can reach you and all wild things are within easy reach.” 

After reading this,  I thought to myself, “How can I truly be a Girl Scout if I won’t camp out?”  I have given birth naturally to 7 children!  Surely, camping out can’t be that difficult.  So, now my intention is to give it a go and see what happens, insha Allah.  Anyone else open to trying it?  We really can do anything if with Allah’s help if we set our minds to it.

Book Cover Art

Several months ago, the little girls painted artwork for my father-in-law on old book covers.  We also painted old pencils and glued them around the edges as the frame.  Apparently, they were a bit hit with my in-laws because my sister-in-law also requested one.  So, this time I thought we should take advantage of the opportunity to create more for other family members around the state and around the country. 

We started out with old book covers, covered them with gesso (a primer), and painted them.  After they dried, we used Modge Podge as a finish and glued on colored craft sticks as a frame.  I found that the old pencils were more difficult to paint, so I decided to make it easy on myself this time.  We also finger crocheted some hemp and attached it in order to enable the paintings to be hung on the wall.

I think they make nice gifts, don’t you?