Daily Archives: May 13, 2012

Weekend Roundup

Yahya’s school camping trip was this weekend in Virginia Beach.  His father and grandfather accompanied him, so I guess it was a male bonding experience.  My father-in-law loves outdoor cooking and he came more than prepared to “burn.”  They feasted on beets, cannied yams, cucumbers, and beans.  Of course, seafood (fish and oysters) was also on the menu as after all they were at the beach.  After viewing the pictures, it makes me want to try it out even more now.  Especially, if my father-in-law comes along and does all the cooking!

While they were away, I did manage to get a little weekly planning accomplished.  Hannah and Jamilah have left over writing assignments from last week.  By the way, it seems like this is often the case in our house.  Writing assignments seem to get dragged out.  They both finished up their spelling curriculum, so I had them write a story using the words they spelled incorrectly this year.  This is an idea I borrowed from my mother, a former English teacher.  They also have been reviewing grammar through playing games at this Grammar Blast website.  They have a few more writing assignments to complete for the end of the year evaluation, so I want them to focus on the actual writing for the remainder of the year. 

We are also doing a unit study on insects and fortunately I have found that I can easily integrate Girl Scout badges into these unit studies and tweak it for the younger children.  Here is an example of an insect study and a fish study

With only a little over two weeks remaining before the girls evaluation, I still need to actually gather all of the required materials and organize their binders.  I have been recording as they completed  reading books and listened to audio books, so that part is finished.  I also  typed up a list of monthly activities in which they participated as well as a list of curriculum and other resources.  Insha Allah, I see the light at the end of the tunnel.