Daily Archives: June 22, 2012

Summer Adventures So Far

Now that the blog is private once again, I want to thank you all for continuing to follow our life’s journey.   I have come to the realization in the last month that we really needed to make some changes.  We have always been electic homeschoolers and I would still say we probably fit into that category for the most part, but I am really feeling the need to follow the natural flow even more so after our evaluation.  I am very burnt out and have been for some time now.  I’m tired of pushing as well as their tears and my tears.  

So, now since the blog is private once again, I feel like I can be much more open and honest in addition to use this space to explore my thoughts and feelings.  After listening in to an interview with  Dr. Grey (Freedom to Learn/Psychology Today during the unschooling summit a couple of weeks ago, I learned that humans are actually more playful than animals.  This made so much sense to me and I realized why I had been feeling so much resentment towards the children.  It was because I also wanted to play and have fun right along with them, but for me homeschooling had become a chore and full of drudgery.  So, I am truly rethinking everything about how I have gone about their education.  I’m freeing up. 

Not only am I doing this for their benefit but for my health as well.  I’ve been noticing symptoms of illness here and there, but I didn’t really connect the dots until recently.  It all came to a head about a week ago when I became very sick for the fifth time in less than a month.   After reflecting on the last year and all that has happened, I  came to the conclusion that my poor health was due to chronic stress. I’ve decided to take charge of my health and well-being.  Homeschooling and life once again have to become intertwined for my family and I.  For us, they aren’t seperate and it is when I tried to seperate them that things started to fall apart. 

I am also learning to treat myself more gently and kindly.  This isn’t easy for me, but it is necessary.  I’ve been my own worst enemy.  So, I decided to begin some self therapy which includes viewing the world like a child again.   Also, doing some of the things we used to do as children such as going barefoot in the dirt.  Spending more time in the direct sunlight.  Sunlight=happiness!

This past week the children and I along with another homeschooling family met at a creek several time for some playing, exploring, and breathing.  These playdates have been a great source of therapy for me too!  I am picking and choosing wisely the activities we participate in from now on. 

Wishing you all plenty of fun-filled sunny days!