Tag Archives: children

The Discoveries That Keep Me Going

Homeschooling is hard.  There is no doubt about it, but it is the little precious moments that make it all worthwhile and keeps me motivated day after day to continue this journey with them.  For us a perfect example of these memorable moments are finding wildlife in our yard. Today was an excellent day for critter spottings, maashaa Allah.   First Isa and I stood several feet away from a crow which landed right on our railing and then processed to eat the children’s left over lunch droppings.  He was so thrilled and started imitating the crow’s caws.  Later in the day, Jennah came running inside excitedly to tell me that she had found a lizard (a five lined skink) in the back.  Finally, the girls discovered a male black widow spider hanging around the woodpile. 

This is truly what makes it all worthwhile.  Just to see the excitement on their faces and yearning to learn more about their seemingly small discoveries.  Today was a good homeschooling day, maashaa Allah.

Ten in a Teepee

TeepeeDuring a playdate at the park today with some other homeschoolers, the children worked together to build a teepee using a play parachute and some tree branches.  Masha Allah, they did a good job without any assistance from the mothers.