Tag Archives: snow

Extreme Frisbee Golfers

Frisbee golf in the snow

The snow had put a chill on the daily frisbee golf routine since last week,  but the course had thawed out enough for my husband and son to able to return today to try for an ace.  Apparently, others had already had the same idea as there were plenty of footprints in the snow. 

It was a bit frigid out there, so after a while, my son decided to just follow along and investigate the animal tracks so the round of frozen frisbee golf  would be wrapped up more rapidly, insha Allah.

raccoon tracks

Snowy Science Night @ the Library

On the way to the science class at the library, my 3 yr. old and 5 yr. old inquired about the snow which had not yet melted and how it got there.  We had a nice little discussion about how snow forms and that Allah makes it. 

Well, we were pleasantly surprised when the library class was also about snow, masha Allah.  After the librarian presented a short quiz based on the facts about snow from the book, The Story of Snow: The Science of Winter’s Wonder by Mark Cassino with Jon Nelson, Ph.D., we explored some of the magnificent snow crystal shapes at this beautiful website.


Finally, the children used their own imagination during the snow craft and made a melted snowman collage as an alternative to the model snowman the librarian had displayed.  Actually, he thought the collages were quite creative, alhamdulillah.

Snow Day, Snow Igloo

When I was growing up here in Virginia, the snow fell regularly pretty much every winter.  Now, it only snows occasionally and usually not as much as we got last night (about 14 in.)  The children are absolutely loving it, although the little ones have found it much too cold. 

 After shoveling the driveway and cleaning up the cars a bit, my husband and older children built an igloo.

Inside snow fort/igloo

As for me, the snow means more laundry to try to stay on top of as we aren’t properly equipped for snow here in central Virginia.