Daily Archives: May 29, 2011

Finally, A Family Outing

Since it’s been almost four months since Isa has been born, alhamdulillah, and we hadn’t yet gone anywhere as a family in that time, we decided to spend some quality family time together at the garden for a few hours.  I’ve been anxious to visit the botanical gardens again to see the completed land art sculpture.  The sculpture called “Diamonds in the Rough,” will stay in the meadow for about a year, insha Allah.

 In addition, my soul really needed to see some greenery as well as take in the colorful flowers.    The garden was quite stunning during spring and I always learn something new with each visit.

In addition to the spring flora, my family and I were blessed to catch a glimpse at some fauna which is usually challenging to catch a photograph of such as a chipmunk and butterflies on flowers.

My husband also got to engage in his photography hobby at the gardens and I would like to give him proper credit for his photographs included in the slideshow. 

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