Tag Archives: free earth science curriculum

Updated Earth Science Curriculum

In an attempt to follow our eclectic homeschooling method, I have updated the Earth Science Curriculum we are currently studying.  Videos, book suggestions, Qur’anic sources, Islamic history, and an online geology curriculum resource have been added.  Also, previously the curriculum was broken down by the week, but  we weren’t completing all the material in a week, so now it is organized by lesson.  My intention is to continue adding more resources to it, so check back often, insha Allah.  Please post any comments and/or constructive criticism, insha Allah.

Earth Science Curriculum Published

I just published our Earth Science curriculum that we will be following this year.  It is appropriate for elementary aged students.  I plan on updating it with more websites and books as we go along, but there is enough there to get you started if you are interested in following along. 

Also, I planned on studying earth science twice a week, insha Allah.  The first day doing the reading/worksheets/coloring and the second day would be for the experiments.  The experiments I chose are simple and do not require much equipment. 

If you think you might be interested in following this curriculum and aren’t able to purchase the main two books, check your local library for copies, insha Allah. 

I plan on adding a space study to the curriculum as well over the next few weeks as well, insha Allah.

Finally, please copy the link and not the whole text when sharing the curriculum.  Jazakillah khayran (May Allah reward you for the good).