Tag Archives: Little Explorers

Morning Out with the Little Explorers

After the substitute teacher, my mother, arrived, my preschoolers and I promptly ventured out in the brisk fall weather early this morning to attend a Little Explorers’ program at Pocahontas State Park.  The programs there usually focus on nature and the environment, but today the focus was on the history of the park. 

Civilian Conservation Corps

The park was constructed in the 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corps which consisted of  a group unmarried young men aged 18-25 from families on relief.  A portion of the class was spent visiting a museum at the park which housed artifacts, photographs, and personal mementos of this period in the park’s as well as Virginia’s history. 

The instructor also led  a  discussion about  types of games children used to play years ago and games children play today. We realized that many of the games of long ago are still popular today such as marbles, jump rope, ball, hula hoop, and hopscotch.  

Hula hooping isn't so easy!

After attempting to hula hoop and hopscotch, the little explorers created some toys that children of the 1930s would have made to keep themselves entertained.  

The girls made a spoon doll.


The boys made a ring and stick toy.

It is always a treat to spend some special time with my younger children and a blessing to have my mother, a retired English teacher, at home with my older children tutoring them with their homework, alhamdulillah. 

Little Explorers

During the Little Explorers class yesterday, my preschoolers learned about habitats.  We went on a hike to find examples of the three things animals need for survival which are shelter, food, and water.



Butterfly drinking nectar

Butterfly drinking nectar

The first thing we spotted was the butterfly right outside the nature center drinking nectar from a daisy, masha Allah.

Next, we located wild blueberries which are food for birds, deer and other animals.  Deer also munch on azalea shoots, insha Allah.

Wild blueberries

Wild blueberries

Azalea shoots

Azalea shoots

A hole in a tree serves as shelter to birds, squirrels, and bats, masha Allah.  Lily pads provide cover for fish, frogs, insects, and other creatures.

hole in tree

lily pads

The finale of the hike was a lovely waterfall which serves as a source of water for all animals, subhannallah.
