Tag Archives: rock collecting

Rock Collecting

The children and I are enjoying our earth science study tremendously.    Currently, we are beginning a unit on the rock cycle and rocks/minerals.   So, that means time to go on a rock collecting field trip!

The weather was gorgeous today which meant that my husband and son wanted to get out and play some frisbee golf. 

Collecting Rocks at Gillies Creek Park

Just so happens that one of the courses where they enjoy playing is also a great site for rock collecting, masha Allah.

This was definitely enjoyable for all level as each of the children were able to participate.

Everyone loves rocks!

Back at home, insha Allah, we plan on sorting, organizing and identifying the rocks.  I don’t know if we will be able to correctly identify every one of them, but at least attempt to categorize them into igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary.  







In addition to the scientific uses, the children are also looking forward to painting them, building with them, and using them as math manipulatives, insha Allah.